When it comes to creating a business card, people find it extremely easy to put a few details on to a simple piece of paper or card and hope for the best to happen. However, if you want to create a video business card that wows your client, you will have to invest your time and knowledge into the process.

Now, the question is what video content can we add to a Business Card to make it more attractive?

Generally, there are three key elements: a concept, a design, and a message, all of them come together to create something amazing that leaves a long lasting impression.

Below is a detailed guide to enhance your video business card creation process:

  • Branding: Before you think about what information should be on your business cards, firstly make sure you include your logo and tagline. As an enhancement of your brand, your business card needs to convey your business identity first.
  • Testimonial/Interview: Video business cards aren’t always designed to have robotic features, you can humanize it by displaying real-life testimonials and interviews. This is will give your card dynamic content, heightening your authority and legitimacy.
  • Explainer: People prefer to watch video along with product text. Using your video to explain a product helps you to communicate with your client. You will get your potential customer question themselves: "Maybe this product is for me".
  • Mixed Medium: InstaVizion’s Video Brochures help to mix and match various video content types to create a more sensory-grabbing advert format which will attract your potential customer easily.
  • One-to-one: Always prefer direct addressing your potential client with a business card, it will create rapport and trust. It can be suitable for B2B communication between executives or other high-level personnel.

Creating a Video Business Cards is a fun process that combines values form of marketing with art, design and unique ideas. If you are looking to develop intriguing and amazing video business cards the team at InstaVizion is here to help you from start to finish.  We have an internal team of marketing strategists, graphic designers, and video experts to make your marketing initiative one that will make a memorable impression and get you the results you deserve.