In the case of closing a big deal, launching a new business, or networking, your business card has a basic mission to make your impression a memorable one.

As more business is done virtually and online, the business card is becoming outdated. Now is the ideal time to take your business cards to the next level. Introducing business cards with video player. InstaVizion produces many video solutions like; video brochures, video business cards, video books and other video in print solutions.

While it probably won't be possible to replace each business card with a video business card, they are a dynamic, eye-catching approach to making a major first impression with your prospects.

Most of the business cards are very similar, basic layout and contact info. They tell who you are, what you do, your contact details, etc. but instaVizion will do it in a more visual manner along with audio and make it difficult for a viewer to forget.

In this blog, you will learn some of the tips to consider while editing videos for video business cards:

  • Name and contact data- The most basic and the obvious information we can add in the business card is name and contact details. Start with a presentation of yourself and your organization and then you can add contact details like your telephone number, email address, and site so that people can connect with you.
  • Short and Crisp- Generally, people have limited attentions spans, so the initial video should not be more than 60 sec and should focus on providing them immediate insight on the benefits of working with you.
  • Branding- Modify your video to mirror your organization's personality. Utilize your image, brand standards, etc. If you have a company’s jingle or any music related to your company, you can include that as well. Highlight your business logo noticeably toward the start and end of your video. This introduction and windup screens will make an enduring and memorable impact on your viewers while building brand recognition.
  • Call to Action- Probably the greatest advantage of a video business card is the capacity to add a unique source of inspiration. Your call to action could encourage the watcher to complete a specific process, follow you on social media, or visit a landing page.

Business video cards will be the best approach to kick start your business relationship, delivering high ROI, and ideally a great investment for your company.